Join Ainsley for a brand new series celebrating delicious food that really boosts your mood! There’s no two ways about it – Food Can Make You Feel Amazing!. Ainsley will be showcasing some of the fabulous flavours, incredible ingredients and marvellous methods to make you smile!
Ainsley takes a road-trip fuelled by his passion for the produce that has made him the happiest chef on earth! And whilst Ainsley’s off on his adventures, chef Joseph Dennison will also be taking to the road and meeting people up and down the country as they create their own version of happy, good-for-the soul food. Joseph will also be knocking up some tasty dishes using the produce he finds along the way.
Whether it’s vegetables in Devon, Chocolate in York, Lavender in Hampshire or peas in Lincolnshire, Ainsley and Joseph will be looking at how the very best produce is grown, created, or made.
Inspired by the people they meet, and food they find on their adventures Ainsley will be whipping up fantastic dishes back in the kitchen and on the beautiful Cornish beach – all guaranteed to put you in a good mood!
From Saturday 9th April, 11.40am on ITV