Coconut Treacle Tart with Quick Clotted Cream Ice-Cream
The amount of water in the pastry will depend on the weather, how cold the fats were and how much you processed the mixture. The less water you use, the shorter your pastry will be. This tart is also fantastic made with finely grated fresh coconut, too. A treat for friends or family.
If you don’t have an ice-cream maker, make the ice- cream the day before it’s needed. Put the clotted cream, custard, vanilla extract and icing sugar into a food processor and blend together until smooth. Pour into a plastic container, cover and freeze for 1–2 hours until firm but not rock hard. Scrape into a food processor and blend until smooth, then return to the box and freeze once more. Repeat this process 3 times more, then leave to freeze hard. If you do have an ice-cream machine, simply churn until frozen, then freeze.
Roll out the pastry thinly on a little more flour and use to line a lightly greased, loose-bottomed flan tin 23 cm (9 inches) wide and 4 cm (11⁄2 inches) deep. Chill for 20 minutes.
Pre-heat the oven to 200◦C/400◦F/Gas Mark 6. Line the pastry case with a crumpled sheet of greaseproof paper and a thin layer of baking beans and bake for 15 minutes. Remove the paper and beans and return to the oven for 5 minutes. Remove from the oven and lower the temperature to 180◦C/350◦F/Gas Mark 4.
For the filling, mix the breadcrumbs, coconut and lemon zest together, tip them into the warm pastry case and spread out evenly. Put the golden syrup, lemon juice and ground ginger into a pan and warm gently over a low heat until liquid. Spoon evenly over the breadcrumbs and bake in the oven for 30 minutes until lightly browned. Remove and leave to cool slightly before serving with the clotted cream ice-cream.
- 1 x quantity basic shortcrust pastry and a little plain flour for rolling out
- For the Ice Cream
- 225 g (8 oz) clotted cream
- 600 ml (1 pint) carton of chilled fresh custard
- 1⁄2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 6 tablespoons icing sugar
- For the Filling
- 175 g (6 oz) white breadcrumbs, made from day-old bread
- 100 g (4 oz) desiccated coconut
- finely grated zest of 1 lemon
- 750 g (11⁄2 lb) golden syrup
- 1 1⁄2 tablespoons lemon juice
- ⁄2 teaspoon ground ginger